* my math midterm grade was above average. [by one point, but still! the entire class will now be curved instead of individual grades. (=]
* "No that's cool I admire that sense of self respect. => I'm a little bummed because you're pretty cute, silly, and entertaining to listen to, as well as sexy. :) But I mean I respect you decision." 说再见不是一个很高薪的事, 不过我难过的时候我可以看这他说的话...我不是
* 2011年一月十三号,gladys is coming to san diego for four days!
* harry potter night in the dining hall! banners, dress up, themed food [butterbeer!], bertie bott's every flavour beans, and lots of hp looovee. <3
* global brigades meeting means i might be spending spring break 2011 in panama. (]=